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What is Solar Module?

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What is Solar Module?

A single photovoltaic Module/Panel is an assembly of connected solar cells that will absorb sunlight as a source of energy to develop electricity.

A group of PV modules (also called PV panels) is wired into an extensive array called PV array to gain a required current and voltage.

When you make up your mind to buy a solar power system, you will encounter three types, and as a layman, it becomes challenging to understand the difference between these technologies. So let’s have a brief understanding of these below:

1. Mono-crystalline Solar Modules

It is a solar modules comprising mono-crystalline solar cells.

When sunlight falls on the mono-crystalline solar modules, the cells absorb the energy and create an electric field through a complicated process. Hence it comprises of voltage and current which is directly used to run DC.

  • The panel cells have a pyramid pattern that offers a larger surface area to collect more energy from the sun’s rays.
  • It reduces reflection and thereby increase absorption; the cells are coated with silicon nitride.
  •  These panels have life span up to 25-30 years.
  • They are useful in exhibiting more excellent heat resistance.
  • The produced electricity is collected through metal conductors printed into cells.

2. Polycrystalline Solar Modules

PolyCrystalline solar modules are solar modules that consist of several crystals of silicon in a single PV cell.

Polycrystalline PV panels cover 50% of the global production of modules.

Made of multiple photovoltaic cells and each cell contains silicon crystals that function as a semiconductor device. As the photons from the sunlight fall on the PN junction, it imparts energy to the electrons to flow as electric current.

  • Polycrystalline silicon is the most consolidated and tested photovoltaic technology.
  • The conversion efficiency in diffused light conditions (e.g. on a cloudy day) is better than in monocrystalline modules.
  • Poly-crystalline cells are slightly cheaper than monocrystalline ones.
  • Poly-crystalline is having 25 years of life span.

Kseng Solar specializes in providing solar racking and tracking systems for the residential, commercial and utility-scale solar application.

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